
In the West They Say It’s Rain

"Haaretz" -- Israel, via the Interior Ministry, continues to spit in the face of friendly countries,

Indefinite Detention

(IPS) - U.S. President Barack Obama's decision to detain 47 of the just-under 200 remaining prisoners at Guantanamo without trial indefinitely is drawing scorn from legal experts and human rights

Nothing More Dangerous Than a Recovering “Realist?”

"FP" -- Back in 2002, the Council on Foreign Relations sponsored a book by Kenneth Pollack (subsequently director of research at the Saban Center for Middle East Studies at Brookings),

Pentagon Calls for ‘Office of Strategic Deception’

WASHINGTON -- Remember the Pentagon Office of Special Plans that helped collect dubious intelligence that led to the war in Iraq?

To wear the burqa or not.

This is with reference to the news, ‘France Moves to Outlaw Burqa (KT, January 24).

Looking Under My Bed For Al Qaeda

I looked under my bed last night. Just in case. And don't tell me you haven't either.

House Testimony: The Paradoxes of Al Qaeda

I’m testifying today before the House Armed Services Committee about Al Qaeda and U.S. policy. My complete testimony follows.

Nuggets from New Muslim Brotherhood Leader’s Al-Jazeera Interview

As some of you know, the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest and most influential Islamist group in the Middle East, recently elected a new leader.

Muslim Brotherhood to Egypt: Don’t squeeze out moderates

The new leader of the Muslim Brotherhood has said that government efforts to squeeze Egypt’s biggest opposition group out of politics would only spur on “deviant” and potentially violent Islamic

Nuggets from New Muslim Brotherhood Leader’s Al-Jazeera Interview

As some of you know, the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest and most influential Islamist group in the Middle East, recently elected a new leader.