- MB News
- July 9, 2011
- 6 minutes read
MB Statement On Current Domestic And Regional Affairs
The Muslim Brotherhood issued its weekly statement weighting on several current domestic and regional affairs that affect Egypt, including the situation in Syria, Yemen and Libya.
On the Domestic front; the release of several officers accused of killing protestors, as well as delaying the trials of other prominent corrupt figures from the former regime has led to public outrage and massive demonstrations. Egyptian government is also exerting efforts to pursue a financial policy that supports the independence of the state and its vital role in dealing with the development on the Arab and African arenas.
On the regional and international fronts, it is obviously necessary to act swiftly to stop the massacres committed by the Syrian regime, as well as those in Libya and Yemen through concerted and effective cooperation among all Arab states. There have also been developments on the Palestinian arena, as well as on the political scene with America and Europe seeking to recast their relations with Egypt in light of current developments.
The Muslim Brotherhood explains its position regarding these developments as follows:
First, domestic affairs:
* The Brotherhood believes that the recent release of officers involved in the killing of demonstrators in Suez, followed by the acquittal of ministers and symbols of the former regime accused of corruption, in addition to delaying the trial of the ousted president and his regime, are magnifying negative sentiments nationwide and a perception that the current regime aims to waste the blood of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to ensure the success of the revolution. This in turn has led to increased frustration among civilians, and has deepened the sense of resisting the achievement of the goals of the revolution by those who are now in charge.
* The Egyptian government has adopted a new policy to strike a balance when dealing with international financing institutions. It has recently refused to finance the deficit through loans loaded with political and economic conditions. The importance of this policy is that it signals that the authorities are reconsidering ensuring the independence of the state, which is consistent with the aspirations of the revolution, to get rid of the inherited dependency of the old regime. Regardless of the methods of handling the issue and covering the budget deficit, this step would recast the Egyptian relationship with the IMF and the World Bank, which would require a great deal of effort directed at achieving stability, development, production, self-reliance and the development of our local resources. This approach also delivers a clear message to international financial institutions regarding the need to move from an era of political loans that have supported many authoritarian governments, and shifting towards taking into account more balanced relations in the new era, which would be based on the interests of the states and safeguarding their economic development.
* After the formation of the post-revolution government, Egyptian foreign policy tended to maximize the value of Africa and Egyptian concern for strengthening our relationship with all African partners, especially the countries of the Nile Basin, whether through official diplomatic channels or public diplomacy. Egypt’s participation in the African Union Summit in Guinea Bissau has moved Egyptian-African relations to greater heights, especially as it provides fertile ground for dealing with political and economic development in light of the positive feedback coming from all over the continent. The Muslim Brotherhood sees the importance of promoting this trend in the field of cultural, technical and economic cooperation with African countries, as an important focus on this vital area that serves the ??strategic interests of Egypt.
Second, regional and international affairs:
* Despite claims by the Syrian regime regarding the political reforms it claims to have introduced, stability is still not apparent in Syria, due to the continuation of the Syrian regime’s practices of murder and terrorism as well as its refusal to seek any negotiated solutions. These practices are clearly reflected in the bloody and repressive character of the regime’s reaction and mode of handling the peaceful demonstrations calling for change.
With the continuation of this situation, there is likely to be enormous regional tension that may threaten the stability of neighboring countries, especially after the increasing likelihood of tension in Lebanon. Therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood sees the need to coordinate the efforts of all states at the regional level to contain the breakdown of the Syrian situation and pressure the regime to cease its repressive practices and prevent the transmission of internal political tension to neighboring countries.
* The United States and Western European countries are now seeking to recast their political and economic relations with Egypt after the revolution. Towards that end, these countries have begun to talk about dropping the debt owed by Egypt, and, at the same time, they are working to broaden the political dialogue with all political trends in Egypt, and enhancing the trade partnership between them and Egypt. In this context, the Muslim Brotherhood stresses the importance of deepening relations, and balancing them on the basis of mutual respect as long as this does not contradict the interests of modern Egypt. The Brotherhood also points out the importance of working towards the formulation of a strategic understanding – through official channels – that reflects the aspirations of all people, so that this framework deals with the existing political, security and economic files at the regional and global levels.